Campers For Christ Ministries® is non-denominational. Our members come from all sorts of Christian backgrounds. Our focus is on Jesus Christ and all who believe in Him and the few Christian foundational truths that follow are welcome to join our ranks.
What We Believe In
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God, authoritative and infallible in all aspects for living a holy and righteous life, which is the purpose of our creation.
- There is one God eternal, manifested in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His atoning sacrifice through His blood, His resurrection, ascension, and His soon return for His bride, the Church.
- That regeneration and conversion through faith in Jesus Christ are essential for the salvation of a lost humanity.
- In the bodily resurrection on the last day.
Our Aims
- To provide a means for Christian campers to get together for fellowship at local and national levels.
- To provide a way for Christians to recognize other Christians while on the road or camping.
- To encourage a witness to others (Non-Christian and Christian), while camping, regarding the claims of Jesus Christ. The club Crest is an effective conversation starter when a member is asked to explain its purpose.
- When requested, provide Chaplain services to campers, especially to those who have no church affiliation.
- To provide an opportunity for members to participate in meetings by singing, playing instruments, sharing testimonies, preaching, and teaching, as well as encouraging them to make themselves available for campground services when the opportunity arises.
“And you shall my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)